Transfer $FAN Tokens to

A Step-By-Step Guide

Once you’ve purchased your $FAN Tokens, it may not be immediately clear how to transfer your tokens to your account to stake. Rest assured, the process is quite simple and easy. In this guide, you will learn how to add your $FAN Tokens to your account. Follow this guide and stake away.

But first, check out the video below for a quick visual guide.

  1. Connect your wallet on your account by clicking, “Whitelist Wallet“.
Screenshot that describes how to access the Whitelist Wallet function on

2. Copy your in-platform wallet address to your clipboard by clicking on the copy icon in the FAN Balance* Section.

Screenshot that describes how to copy the in-platform wallet address on

3. Click ‘MetaMask Chrome Extension Icon’ in your browser to open your app.

Screenshot that demonstrates how to access MetaMask Wallet chrome extension.

4. Click on the ‘Tokens’ section, then select ‘FAN’ and ‘Send.

Screenshot that demonstrates where the send button is to transfer $FAN Tokens.

5. Paste the in-platform wallet address into the ‘Send To’ field.

Screenshot that displays where to paste the in-platform wallet address on the platform.

6. Enter the amount of $FAN Token you are transferring into your account wallet.

7. Review the details of your transaction and confirm the transfer.

8. Refresh your browser page to view the updated $FAN Balance on your account.

Congratulations! You have successfully transferred your $FAN to your account. Need a refresher on how to purchase $FAN Tokens? You can always access that tutorial here.

If you have any questions, join the Discord and Telegram. Thank you Filmioids.

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